
Yes it's a blog – but you knew that

Archive for June 27th, 2015

Hey, I’m still here!

Been a while since I last posted, not really sure why.

Life is better, marginally but still….

This last week has been a roller coaster, deep down one day but by the end of the week back to new heights.
We saw 9 people killed in their church by a 21 yr old, white, racist asshole because they were black.
We saw several states in the south take down the confederate flag and more at least discussing doing same.
Argued on FB about the rational behind the civil war. Assholes can come up with every reason under the sun except the one the states said was the cause. Slavery. That was the reason, full stop.
The supreme court upheld the ACA.
The supreme court upheld SSM. By reiterating that all humans are equal. Not a new concept for sure but one that seems to have to be litigated over and over. Some people may be equal in the eyes of the law but not all their fellow humans look at it that way. Always seems to be something. Color/religion/lack of religion/gender/gender identity/place of birth/bank account/…..

For 9 people and their families in SC a really bad week. And that makes it very bad for all of us. The good stuff doesn’t make up for this at all. It’s good stuff, no doubt, but compensation? No fucking way. Nine people, all their relatives/friends, lives torn apart by some murdering fuck who has hatred for skin color. Those people were chosen to die, for one of the worst reasons possible, just that of being alive.

I’m out of words.


Written by Ruckus

June 27, 2015 at 12:11 pm

Posted in Country, Culture